Black Bile

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Black Bile. Definition of black bile : Black bile producing foods all canned foodstuff, leftovers, fast foods containing sausages and deli meat (in general precooked and processed meats), frozen meat which are kept for a long time in the freezer, meet of old animals, salted or smoked fish can produce black bile in the body.

Suivre Amely Irina Sidorova's 4 Humours
Suivre Amely Irina Sidorova's 4 Humours

Devoted to physician depression awareness and physician suicide awareness and prevention through education, sharing, and dissemination of information. Black bile was identified as a disease that added weight to the body by causing fatigue and lethargy. An overabundance of the substance in the human system was believed to result in severe depression.

Suivre Amely Irina Sidorova's 4 Humours

An overabundance of the substance in the human system was believed to result in severe depression. As a first step, the prudent hippocratic physician would prescribe a regimen of diet, activity, and exercise, designed to void the body of the imbalanced humor. And enjoy your plummetting journey to the hereafter, with putrefaction: Black bile is the humor which galen correlates with the element of earth.

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